BonziWORLD Exploit Wiki

REMINDER: This information is uneditable, everything has been saved in the server.
NOTE: BonziWORLD Revived is still here. An website that cries you.

BonziWORLD Revived

BonziWORLD Revived is a revival website of the BonziWORLD with different features by ICS. And the owner can ban you, kick you, warn you, admin you, unadmin you or exist you.

BonziWORLD Revived was created on 2018, not 2017. BonziWORLD Revived have MASH characters spritesheets by making from Paint.NET to make spritesheets with more RAM.

For more changes, BonziWORLD Revived is not your website. It's your favorite website created by a founder.

BonziWORLD Revived have shut down on 2020 for late days, because it's poor experience and horribly amount for the BonziWORLD community. BonziWORLD Revived rules are changed.

BonziWORLD Revived have been came back for poor experience reviews. Then it shuts down for unknown reason.


Due to hypocrisy, that main is Onute ever criticized and banned from BonziWORLD Revived, because she's a kiddie for now. He made grounded videos out of ICS , but ICS doesn't care for these groundings.

He cloned BonziWORLD Revived by Onute, that ICS doesn't have a permission to clone this website and got the two owners and one founder is Onute.

Erik and Seamus came back on the website while Onute is still back sitting on the toilet. Seamus told him a owner to take it down and never host it again. But it doesn't.

Why they JUST shut down?

Here's why BonziWORLD Revived got shut down: kiddies ever ruin the site, kiddies use javascript, no reactions, ground other users, Onute have criticized the site for now, etc.

All rights reserved, Telia Lietuva AB, Technicolor router, 2021.