HyperWORLD.tk - The Special Final Release

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Part 1: Why SgtPepperArc360 is hypocritical?

Keep scrolling the page, there are a lot of bad things going on! (Nov. 28, 2023)

Since "Not Santiago Mijares" sent a message saying "Yes, he hates you.". A few weeks after we complained to it, I officially deleted the illegal server of SgtPepperArc360 for making David angry. When I deleted the server, he is still mad at me that I did something wrong like to revive my server without getting too important. Let's not mumble about, but let's explain how SgtPepperArc360's behavior was too awful and inconvenient to some people liking furries and other stuff.

SgtPepperArc360 (real name: David John Egan IV, birth: 2002/02/15, age: 21) is a person who is literally obsessed with technology back in 2008 when it was occurred. This person comes from one of my YouTube channels that I certainly own; like how my 2018 channel got terminated for violating as spam and deceptive practices and created it today. After I viewed my comments, I decided to check out of his channel. There was a channel with the last amount of subscribers, but his style was created was casual, vlogging, streamable and most importantly - artistic creation. Today from now on, he is now a furry porn lover, becomes a pedophile and hypocritical. Here's why I'm going to do this. I told Jack Seymour for what happened earlier. David Egan is striking one of my videos for some reasons why I was bad and making fun of him is not for fun, but it could ruin the person's reputation. The reputation has two sides where you have a good and a bad side. The good side means if you are a successful person completing in some ways like you completed the whole school but you got pinned as a important student in the world where everybody likes you. The bad side means if you are a unsuccessful person, being rude to others and ruining someone's career would be improbable and this thing will sometimes make you infamous. Do you know why he was doing that? In the start of the video, I see his video and saying that David Egan is not a good person, but bad person, completely making it to look like so autistic and rarely turning into some sort of person type of "racism".

After 2022, a few months later, I sent the message to knownshell on David Khoa's server leaving that David Khoa abandoned his Discord account for privacy reasons... or he was phone locked at all the time. This thing I said "I swear if you don't leave this server, then I will delete SgtPepperArc360's server instead".

After knownshell joins it, he sent two messages above me:

"Yes, delete it."

"Bro, I can't fucking chat in your cheap copy of David Egan server."

After I deleted this illegal server, I revealed my truth:

"I deleted it. That's how I don't listen your actions. Now I'm listening you to take actions, seriously."

Yeah, perhaps you wouldn't like how could I spell like as a wrong and spastic guy, but not to say that is nonsensical and unfathomable.

I said to old knownshell's messages that were replied on my older account and I made a wrong way to people. I did like for no reason...

"yes i did wrong way"

knownshell did not understand for what my sentence was acceptable.

"+ i didnt understand any single shit you said right here"

I told all the truth to him and I don't really know how much truth do I have to explain like for 1000 times further.

"i was randomly insulting people"

"today i'm not insulting all of that"

I told him to understand of my weaknesses and my life.

but you can understand

knownshell approves it, but whatnot.

bla bla bla whatever

Final truth, one word. Let's be friends now, shall we?

i'm not mad for anything

ok can't you insult me or anything?

He accepted it.

oh lets not start this shit again

Part 2: SgtPepperArc360's terrorism of making my own spam and misleading comments.

Since David Egan enabled "Increased strictness", my comments won't appear instantly wherever YouTube approves these comments and are held on review. For my other channel, I created a very sickening and unaccompanied channel that has some boring content and comments.

I spammed on his content without scummy things, but not something told.

Oh noio, it looks like a system crash! - reference from BFDI.

Protegent will be enough of this! COME ON, pick this!


Yes, I am craxyyyy.

After I made spam comments for a few hours later, he replied to me.


David Egan doesn't seem like if people are spamming on every video and say disgusting and nonsensical texts, it would be held and some cases, you may be blocked from the channel where you are from this account. Tell me, why do you need to prohibit spamming? Sometimes the spam would not be the same, but it could also strike to people's channels whether they like to know how YouTube prevents people spamming their comments and allegedly watching out.

After I uploaded the video that is being deleted, he said: "I said no. Please take this video down and find something constructive to do with your time".

After he said that, now I know the word! YAY!!

David didn't take those videos down, but it could be privated if there's a rumor of people going on and watching them how the video looks like. It was called "Way too childish" and this video shows that the video is so childish. I would like to give you to this.

Part 3: PhoneBulgariaYT attacks on David Egan because he has fun of them, ruining the phone community

When David uploaded a video out of Miguel de Oliveira Valentin, he issues out where Miguel was attacking out of some good users like WATP, MikeTech and others. As I am proved, I checked it out and it was really funny.

There's a inferior video and this is the comment from SgtPepperArc360 angrily saying:

The title says:


And the comment where David said:


I don't really care what Miguel will ever do to other users against YouTube and David Egan, he can be terminated with some reason. I rejected his actions, like I mean, he always makes fun of me, you know why? Somebody in the world will ever hate this person and telling to the whole crew to attack the channel will be crazy if I see him later.

Part 4: Troll leaks SgtPepperArc360's personal info

Yes, this is what you are waiting for and this means though where you want to dox a good person that has some good life, but there's a person who learns something and actually dox a person for nothing like to gather all accounts, IPs and his personal life. The troll account where I created, I said:

Video title:

David SgtPepperArc360 Egan SPA360 INVESTIGATION


When July 1st was hit, I uploaded the video.

THIS TROLL WAS SCARED https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dgKD...


Exposing someone is not the best thing to dox and expose a person who didn't do anything wrong.

All of his actions has caused

I mean why David Egan would be a hypocritical and rape some 14 year old kids is very disturbing and unacceptable. As I said the short paragraph, he has done to me that I did not do that, but again he makes bad videos out of me saying that I am a retard and ugly person who does something bad, but I never did anything illegal, but is to victimize a person who did something good for me, attacking me, telling the truth where David was a fault for attacking me and he lied to me. If you don't like these videos or they are too boring, you can give him a Community Guidelines strike if required.

The warning is:

You are NOT ALLOWED to use this video even if you ask for permission; not even in a YTP!
THAT MEANS YOU, ItzUltraScout with your "SgtPepperArc360 is racist" bullshit!!!
If you do, you WILL be reported!!!
I MEAN IT!!!!!!!!

You may skip to 0:15 for the intro.

Scary face, isn't it?
  • First of all, who is the boss? You don't have a boss, bummer. Oh well, now you're literally obsessed with me by attacking me. Second, I don't need to ask for your permission, since we have all the privileges to do that, but I doubt that you can't.
  • Third, you don't need to reply to me that I am the person of this channel and I have unprivated one of my videos where they are not required to be taken down, preventing the person watching my private videos or can be?. It's just YouTube and me, two-person viewers.
  • If the person found the rabbit hole of your channel, you need a new challenge by creating a brand account with some gibberish letters.
  • Fourth, reporting my channel will be sometimes become neglectable, boomer. If I try to upload on BitView or Vidlii, chances are, where you can't report the video, same thing as YouTube would do, but with different people.
  • Fifth, why do I need to care? No one cares.
  • Sixth, you're telling a person to get off the internet. Well you look, the person needs the internet to have a life, but you say to get off the internet and not to do something like to imagine, explore and play? You wouldn't be surprised if I am gone with no Internet. How about you get off the internet is to stop making people mad and continuing browsing some furry porn ideas. This thing needs to be taken away, right? You are hurting yourself, not me. Why are you hurting yourself? If you see a very good looking furry porn and telling that is animal abuse, who cares if this is abuse or whatever you can say; since you are hurting me by to look one of your favorite furries and then vomit for what am I seeing. You should be in jail cell for making something is illegal and I am NOT comfortable with this.

  • In DMs you have been exposed, David Egan! There is no going back to time, the time keeps going and we save the early time for what are you doing...

    Part 6: Something's going on here...

    As I mention, David Egan was a really bad person in every year like he keeps ruining the year of above. After I shared his community post saying that subscribers were not told to be up, but also down and then I said to him "Everyone calls David Eggman". Before I shared the post, a few days later I got a post saying: "HOW DARE YOU", you know right? You are nothing but is to kick me out of my existence and make me cry because I attacked you for no reason. I have to get you rid of it, because you made me that I revived your server being so illegal and then you are mad at me, huh? Think it again and I'm sure you might get your entire channel terminated for harassing me with one reason.

    David: Well I think you guys should stop projecting the blame onto me.

    Daniel: I THINK YOU SHOULD START PROJECTING YOUR VOICE! *everyone to my closest friends beating David Egan*

    You know why I can say about you? Your friend "David Egan" has been attacking me for the whole time and wasting his lifetime by doing anything good like that I don't care. He was spitting the facts for the whole time too and I cannot last even longer on this. I don't care about this person, but if anything goes something unusual, you can never trust this person away and say to him "You know what? Apology denied for you, David Egan for attacking the furthest friend of mine!" and I mean why he was a severe caused person to look like this and his behavior must be stopped to be continued on. I wish that I can screech his ears and getting blown out for couple seconds.

    Part 7: Anger issues

    I issued on BonziVERSE's Discord server which they are my closest friends helping me to attack this person for ruining my entire life. My life has been ruined for two times, in every single dramatic year that was caused to. Seamus didn't want to plan and attack on David Egan, because he has no interest of him. When I dug the rabbit hole of him, he was having a good conversation saying "I have a plan to make an angry message out of Daniel because he keeps attacking me non-stop. I can't stop him. Please make your videos better than you don't need to scavenge". After David and Liam planned it out, David made an angry message out of me saying some sort of where I said the phrase out of him "calling me jabba huh?" and then immediately smashing the table for three times in a row because I want to handle the criticism. Along with my Seamus's friends, if you have the same problems like how I did suddenly, report him to any state of US department immediately! They will search a person from no matter what he lives in what state or home address, it can still be found.

    You know what I mean, I can't stand this, but I have to say this - why you always do that. I am not comfortable with you. Please leave me alone. I am not your enemy.

    cope harder + didn't ask + don't care + gtfo + stfu + problematic + hooligan + david eggman + davido egano + you're nerd + weak insult + hypocrite + pedophile + sus + fnf + kid + idfc
    What the HELL is wrong with you? Go remove your fucking brain you IMMENSE shitgano. This is the internet and you WASTE all the time of me. The best way is to QUIT the internet, you dumbass.
    You ain't got any STYLE you son of a gun. Go watch BFB and FNF you 20 year old Henrietta chimpanzee who RIDICULOUSLY insults me for no reason at all, and you'll should be right to DESERVE the ridiculousness. You should PAY your own attention very quick, because you are so MAD by yourself...
    and I don't want to LISTEN to your trash for your superfluous and angriest community posts you freakin' RETARD. You broke your own LIFE by doing your unacceptably mistakes, my LIFE is now MINE. That's it! You need to change your MIND about the games, but not fucking bad stuff towards to innocent people! You are GROUNDED!
    And PLEASE leave me alone, I don't wanna TALK to you! You are the WORST person ever and I've called you a HYPOCRITICAL!
    you are is the hippo, the pedo, the hooligan, the monkey, the dragon, the rhino, the gorila, the dog, the cat, the rat, the bird, the parrot, the dinosaur, the unicorn, david egan, the turtle, the snail, the rabbit, the bear, the tardigrade, the caterpillar, the butterfly, the camel, the spider , the
    you're mentally ill

    Yeah, that's all I can say it.

    David Egan, would you want to say to your prayers? What the heck in the living room is wrong with you? Are you thinking that my video is under YTP and you provide a video which is your video against me?! Ooooh, now you got me buddy, that's what you wanted and you gave a copyright strike tied to my channel. Close and open again? It will not work. And this is what you can do that? Power of copyright, you can't barely obsess with me, so please stand it. This is your final warning, if you do this once again, then you're out of your way. You will be really sorry for the rest of your life and you will not be able to have against of your friends and family. Is this what you really wanted to attack me instead of sharing it, huh? I hope someone in the college will bully you in real life and I will threat out of you like that. Do you want to look that right now? I don't think you would not look like that if I stated correct you red orangutan with sharp yellow teeth poopnose.
    If you are watching this, I am so sick and tired of doing to me non-stop is to get my channel terminated for no reason; perhaps to like and what I don't like. YouTube is for us, but not people for us subscribing you. Of course, but you would be very scared if I called the police and get you in the jail bars and sit here for life until the officer releases you to be an innocent person taking some great effort.
    That's it for now.

    Terrible screenshots:

    920 is not 920. So you don't like a very ridiculous game made by Innersloth? Too late. Screw you, that copyrighted video is actually you, but I wanna take it! He's hacked. I don't need him. YOU CALLED FAT? I WILL REPORT HIM!!! I MEAN IT!!! You like disliking some videos and giving them a nerve, huh? You can lie this person telling you something informational and concisional. I am telling him to go on some videos, but he does not care. You can tell YouTube and say that I stole from something. You can't be serious. How about no. If so, then I will stop. Every single person needs a life, you know? You reported the video but it has no commence of the video proving that has something painful. There is nothing wrong with that. He is the happiest person. But he is not the happiest, but livid. He browses on furry porn after I attacked him, as always. Man, it wouldn't work if you try to see furries... OF COURSE NOT!! Ha! You tell a guy from South Park and say he's the biggest bastard in the whole wide world. Why? Why I can't spam? Spam? PLEASE!!! ok i'm not joking And he spanks their own asses. Good job, I hope you will be dead. You told the person to shut up. You are making him ruined and becoming you disrespectful which it doesn't mean that you are a good person with bad words, it will not change anything! Today from now on, you don't need to stalk me. Ignore me all you want and I will ignore you for once. Psychopathic reasons, yes? Don't listen to David Egan. People for who aren't too childish... Then I will call the police for free of charge and you can tell me that I'm in trouble of having me killed by David Egan, please send nukes to him thanks.

    David Egan, are you serious right now? Would you like to be a suspect in police to find where you are and give you the reason why are you doing so many illegal things where you can talk about? I feel this is mobile data... and everyone in the world banned me because of that. I can't tolerate this with you anymore. Goodbye.

    This video will not be released. That's how I want, it's my life. I won't be making out of him or else things would go down for me.